Did you know Mac OS X 10.10 had a hypervisor framework? No, me neither, but it does and that means you can do things with hypervisors without the need for kernel extensions and stuff. Pagetable.com shows you how to tap into it with an example of building a simple DOS emulator but goodness, this is backed with potential for some clever, easy to install, apps.
Want some smooth animation in your JavaScript driven pages? Snabbt.js might be for you. Works with or without jQuery too. You just start a snabbt call that points at an element on the page then chain the animation operations to that call. Boom, smoothly spinning buttons with multiple sequential behaviour and more.
Looking for a new language? The Nim folk are looking for you then. Formerly Nimrod, now Nim, is a language with some interesting elements and one of the language’s advocates has listed out some of them. If the idea of code that runs during-compilation, baked-in templates and macros, optimisation templates and compiling to C interest you, you might want to have a look at the currently unstable language – it’s heading for a 1.0 in a few months.