Perl 5.20: After 12 months of development work, Perl 5.20 has arrived with around 470,000 lines of changes from 124 authors. Your first port of call is the perldelta for 5.20 which lists all the changes – Unicode 6.3 support, a new slice syntax, better 64 bit support, better locale handling, more consitent tainting, do subroutine made a syntax error, quotey escape changes, performance enhancements, lots of module upgreades and some new modules too… the list is huge and if you’re a Perl developer you’ll have plenty to dig into there.
Openduty: Do you have a need to be paged or page others when things go awry? Openduty is Ustream’s contribution to handle escalating incidents like that and its just been open sourced. Developed at a company hackathon, it’s API compatible with PagerDuty, one of the leaders in commercial escalation, works with nagios monitoring and can generate email, XMPP, SMS, Phone and Push notifications. Openduty is licensed under the DWTFYWPL, the licence that won’t make it past most profanity filters. Who you gonna call? Everyone who’s on call of course.
Numeral.js: Got some numbers to format in your JavaScript? Numeral.js is a minimal library to help out with that offering formatting (and unformatting) for numbers. There’s other ways of formatting, like the nearly full implementation of ECMAScript Internationalisation that is Intl, but if you want something quick to use light you might like Numeral.js. It was inspired by Moment.js, the time formatting library.