QEMU 2.0.0: The QEMU emulator and virtualiser has reached version 2.0.0 with its latest release. QEMU provides the emulation of one machine on another or, when provide that more authentic environment in a virtual machine There’s lots new, like the first support for KVM on AArch64 (but plenty still to implement) and support for the 64-bit ARMV8 instructions (and other 32-bit ARM enhancements) – things likely to become important as the desktop class 64-bit ARM chippery makes a play for the server and desktop space. The rest of the many details are laid out in the changelog and it can be downloaded from the usual place.
Retro PCs and Terminals: Love the old stylee but need the new power? Check out this 70s terminal PC which evokes that ethos. The instructable for how to build one is in development. While pondering that, check out the story of the Meyrin font which recreates the CERN Terminal font for your pleasure.
Cryptic: Do the manipulations of ciphers make you put the cry into cryptography? You may want to do a course on the subject so why not check out this Coursera course and learn about symmetric key crypto and more.
Debian 6 goes on: LWN reports that Debian 6 is getting another two years (nearly) of support – Squeeze-LTS is for i386 and AMD64 and won’t cover all packages in the latter part of the five year lifespan.
Bind 10 becomes Bundy: It seems that ISC have wrapped up development on Bind 10 with version 1.2 and will be heading back to marketing and developing Bind 9. Bind 10 is being renamed to Bundy and so we shall follow @bundydns on Twitter and see what the first release of Bundy brings.