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Sharper Dart: Dart 1.1 has been released and sees Google’s JavaScript alternative running faster when compiled to JavaScript. Dart can be run as JavaScript or natively on its own VM, and while the VM has performed well, the Dart/JavaScript version lagged behind. Now, with 1.1, it’s closer to native JavaScript but still slightly behind it.
Righter JavaScript: Worth looking at, but watch out for the colour scheme, is JavaScript the Right Way. It’s a site thats pulling together JavaScript best practices and resources. It covers tools, frameworks, patterns, code style and further reading.
MQTT 3.1.1 in review: The OASIS technical committee looking after MQTT have put MQTT 3.1.1 up for review. MQTT, which doesn’t stand for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport any more, is a lightweight pub/sub protocol that runs over TCP/IP designed for the Internet of Things. I’ve written about it in Practical MQTT with Paho on InfoQ and Talking Small at
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