If you follow me on Twitter, then you’ll know that I’m in the process of leaving IBM who acquired Compose (who were MongoHQ) some years back. It was a super-fun ride, but things change and after a while you need to move on. And the best moving on is the moving on where you get to do something even more interesting…
So, my next stop is, in a delightful circular fashion, MongoDB Inc where I’ll be hitting the buttons on keyboards in interesting ways to get them to exude the rich taste and delightful aroma of steeped and chilled content (mmm… brewed overnight, every night).
It’s a really exciting move for me and not one I was expecting to make when I was planning things. The MongoDB ecosystem is much bigger than it was and that means lots of things to look at, build with and put into context in pixelly light. And that means oodles of challenges for me doing what I’m told I’m good at.
Of course, there’ll be an impact here on t’blog in that the NewsBits will go away in its current form. I’ll also be realigning what I do on t’blog to complement the work with the new job. How? Who knows… I may get around to ramping up the small device content here too.
Anyway, onwards and upwards and please be patient as I move the furniture around. Now… lift at your end of the sofa and…